Monday, August 22, 2011

What's more fun than a bucket of baby toads?

Guess how long the oldest known toad lived?
36 years

Short version: I drove up to Summit Lake Park today (about 110km from my house).

A whole bunch of us collected baby toads in buckets, had them checked,

and counted, then we delivered them to the other side of the Highway,

so they can continue their migration safely.

NOTE: I thought that with all these little toads around, it would be easy to get

a good photo of just one... wrong!

They are adorable, but I couldn't get even one to hold still long enough

for a descent photo,

( we didn't want to handle them more than necessary).

If you're so inclined, they'll be doing it again on Thursday (Aug 25/11).

These little guys are free again, to continue their way up the mountain...

Good luck little dudes!


So... "What's more fun than a bucket of toadlets?"

Well a tub of them... of course!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

A little surprise on the bulletin board

While on my lunch break at work today, I stopped outside the Touchstones Museum -

to see what's on their bulletin board.

There was a lovely little surprise, and I had to take a closer look.

It was a little brown furry thing.

Yup a little bat, sleeping the day away in a cool shaded nook,

with a thumbtack for an anchor.

Sweet dreams cutie.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Finished my big painting

Today I finished a painting I've been obsessed with for the last month or so.
It's called "Sanctuary from the shadows" (click to see photos of it in progress).
It's the 1st really big painting I've done, and I'm quite pleased with it, so of course I want to show it off a bit.

Finishing this painting, is like finishing an engrossing novel. It's bittersweet. Glad
it's done, but now that it is, I miss the characters I've gotten to know so well. Guess it needs
a sequel.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Another awesome Etsy buy

My "hippy fish" tote bag has arrived! I'm thrilled and it looks even better in person :)