For 10 bucks they were a steal...except that they were white.
I'm sorry, I just can't do white shoes, especially when anything white
looks like a blank canvas to me.
I should have taken a "Before" picture, but this is close...
I painted them black, wiped most of the paint off, then took this picture.
I've painted canvas shoes before, but never leather.
I probably should have worn them a bit 1st, but I was too excited, so I just went
ahead & painted them.
I'm so pleased with the results, I just had to show them off.
I painted them completely brown (using acrylic paints), then
using a darker brown, I painted the "leaf" designs with a thin brush.
I used a cardboard box as a spray paint booth...
(I used an old toothbrush and a stick to spatter some black
on the shoes, to make them darker and to soften the design.)
I liked the texture and colour, so they're
ready for a clear coat, but I needed them to dry, completely.
Since it was 2am, I left them to dry overnight.
The next day, I used a matt clear coat, but wasn't happy with it,
so I let them dry and used 2 coats of a glossy clear finish.
(I put them under the furnace and
let them "blow dry" between coats.)
I'm not sure how long they'll look like this, but I
think I'll wear them to work tomorrow.
If the paint doesn't last, I'll just wear them at home,
and probably paint them again :)